602-628-7026 lynne@lynnewellish.com

Ecem Asya Unal

It was such a pleasure to meet you in today’s morning class with Alan. After our meeting I have dig in more and found out your talks. You admired me and changed my mood immediately. I got motivated AGAIN during lockdown situation. I was not sure about my choices...

Tiffany Zabaglo

Thank you for presenting at our February meeting. … I liked your casual presentation (moving around the room and engaging the audience) and I did receive a lot of great comments about one on one chats you had!

Linda Persico

Thank you so much for coming to Niagara Falls, NY to present your very enjoyable seminar! I am happy to recommend you to my clients in the future and look very forward to crossing paths with you again in the future!

Heather Gortz

Super engaging and so knows the industry. Lynne was high energy and kept her presentation upbeat and educational. I would highly recommend her for future events.

Alicia Armento

Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge about AV with us yesterday at the MPI Education event. I work in AV, so maybe I should not have been sitting in beginners AV but it was fun and full of great stories and energy!