602-628-7026 lynne@lynnewellish.com

7 Mistakes Hospitality Sales Executives Make

...with a reduced sales team

MISTAKE #1 Reactive Selling

We feel your pain. Phone rings, you answer...maybe.  You have 1,000 things going on; maybe you are multitasking. In your mind you are thinking—

MISTAKE #4 Using a Sales Lead Nurturing System

Hotels are often challenged with building a pipeline of qualified leads using old and irrelevant information. A sales lead nurturing process is usually designed for venues that have sales staff, but lack the time, resources, or experience for effective follow up.

MISTAKE #5 Staying Home

The pandemic started in March, by now we are used to a reduced social calendar, condensed errand running and diminished networking opportunities. We are keeping our activities in our own backyards.